Pinpoint the ideal purchaser when you downsize using the By Design method
You have finally decided to take the plunge and downsize your home. You may even have researched where you want to live next and the budget you want to try to stick to. Perhaps you've already had a few valuations and are ready to choose an estate agent to market your home for you. You need to check this key thing before signing on the dotted line!
When you decide to sell your home, there is a period of research and planning before you take the plunge. Valuation appointments, perhaps financial meetings to decide on the budget, and research for where you will live next. Then comes the decision about which estate agent to choose. This may not seem as big and important as where you will live, but it could seriously impact your ability to sell, your equity which will affect your budget when buying on and most importantly, your moving experience.
All estate agents will tell you that they will market your home online and showcase the property to their database of buyers; this goes without saying. But do they actually know who is on that database of buyers? Do they have any idea if those buyers have already bought? Perhaps they have the names and addresses of 20,000 people that bought a new home five years ago and now have no desire to move. Pointless!
So, how can your estate agent of choice show you that they have a database worth marketing to, and why does that even matter?
Well, it matters because if the database is full of buyers with no interest in buying, then you are relying solely on their other efforts of marketing to sell your property. This will most likely involve listing your home on the property portal websites and hoping that an interested buyer sees it and contacts them to make an appointment to view. The onus is entirely on the buyer to find your property themselves.
If there is a database of buyers that has detailed exactly what they want to buy, where they want to buy, and how they will pay for the property, the agent doesn't need to worry about the buyers finding the property on the website themselves, they can simply pinpoint the most likely interested parties from the database and showcase your property to them. They can even highlight the best features of your property that will most appeal to that individual because the agents know, in detail, what every registered buyer needs.
Of course, this is no different to any other agent with a database that is actually working for them with up-to-date information. So, why are By Design different, and how will this help you.
Your average high street estate agent will have contact information for buyers who have decided that their town is the one they want to live in. But in this modern world, location is less restricted when moving house. When selling a property at the premium end of the market, you no longer need to be within commuting distance of work because most senior positions allow flexible working, meaning you might only need to commute a handful of times each month. This opens up the pot of potential buyers for your property considerably, but only if the buyers that are further afield know about your home.
By Design is a network of the best independent estate agents nationwide. With robust core values and a shared vision for working together to sell the best homes in the best towns, these agents share a database of buyers. This crucial factor is revolutionary in estate agency; even large corporate agencies don't collaborate with their other branches.
With more freedom available for families with work and schooling, there are fewer restrictions on buyers, and there is a rise in relocations. Using innovation and technology that has changed the industry exponentially, By Design agents can easily pinpoint a potential buyer from the database, regardless of whether that buyer has ever heard of your location. Your perfect buyer could be out there searching for a property, and if you market your home with a traditional agent, they might never even find you.
Don't leave it to chance. Get in touch with By Design today to find out how to make sure that you sell your home to the perfect buyer because if your home is perfect for them, they will perceive the value of your home to be higher, resulting in a higher price for you.
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