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Preparing to relaunch your home on the market

So, you’ve decided to relaunch your home on the market. Maybe the first time didn’t go as planned, or perhaps you’re ready to give it a fresh start with new energy. Read our seller’s guide to getting it right this time round. 
Whatever the reason, putting your property back on the market can feel a bit daunting. But don’t worry—there’s plenty you can do to make sure your home stands out this time around. Here’s a guide to getting your property market-ready once more.

1. Understand what went wrong

Before diving into the relaunch, take a step back and assess why your home didn’t sell the first time. Was it priced too high? Did the listing photos not do it justice? Was there too much competition at the time? Understanding what went wrong will help you avoid making the same mistakes again. Talk to your estate agent—they’ll have valuable insights that can guide your next steps.

2. Refresh the curb appeal

First impressions matter, and the exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers will see. If your property has been on the market before, you’ll want to make it feel fresh and inviting. Consider repainting the front door, adding some potted plants, or sprucing up the garden. Small changes can make a big difference in how your home is perceived.

3. Stage your home 

If your home wasn’t staged before, now’s the time to consider it. Professional staging can make a huge difference in how buyers view your property. Even if you did stage it previously, a fresh approach could be beneficial. Rearranging furniture, adding new decor, or even just decluttering can give your home a whole new feel. The goal is to create a space where buyers can imagine themselves living—so keep it neutral and inviting.

4. Professional photography

Let’s face it—everyone shops online these days, and your listing photos are often the first impression buyers will get of your home. If your original photos didn’t quite capture the essence of your property, make sure they get it right this time round. High-quality images (or even a video tour) can make your home stand out in a crowded market. Make sure the photos are taken on a sunny day to show off your home in the best light—literally.

5. Reevaluate your price

Pricing is critical, especially in the premium market. If your home was overpriced the first time, it might have deterred potential buyers. Work with your estate agent to re-evaluate the market conditions and comparable properties. Sometimes, a slight price adjustment can make your home much more attractive to buyers without compromising on its value.

6. Create a buzz 

When relaunching your home, think of it as a brand-new listing. This is your chance to create a buzz and attract fresh interest. Work with your estate agent to develop a marketing plan that includes social media, online listings, and perhaps even a launch event. The goal is to reach as many potential buyers as possible and make your home the talk of the town.

7. Make necessary repairs or upgrades

If there were any concerns or feedback from the first round of showings, now’s the time to address them. Whether it’s a leaky faucet, outdated kitchen appliances, or a tired bathroom, making a few strategic upgrades can increase your home’s appeal. Remember, premium buyers are often looking for move-in-ready homes, so take care of those minor issues before relaunching.

8. Be patient and stay positive!

Finally, remember that selling a home can take time. Stay patient and keep a positive attitude. The right buyer is out there, and with these refreshed strategies, you’re in a great position to find them.

Relaunching your home on the market is a chance to start fresh and make a strong impression. By following these tips, you’ll give your property the best possible chance of attracting the right buyer and sealing the deal. If you are looking to relaunch your property to the market, why not get in contact with By Design today to see what we can do to help.