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Why There's Never Been an Estate Agency like By Design Before.

In a sea of same old Estate Agents what's new about By Design? And why hasn't this been done before?
When selling their premium property, owners have always had to make a difficult choice.
Should they instruct a local independent that provides a personal service, understands the local market and brings expertise and experience. 
Or should they choose a national corporate agency that brings national advertising and a broader database of potential buyers?
There is no alternative option.
Until now.
Solving this problem is a brand new class of estate agency, giving clients in the premium property market.
The best of both worlds.
The dedication and understanding of an independent expert, combined with national marketing and a country-wide database of high net worth customers, all under one premium brand.
Introducing By Design, a network of leading independent estate agents working together to serve customers better.
So what's new about By Design? And why hasn't this been done before?
The short answer is technology: underpinning By Design is the technology that connects and nurtures customers, marketing properties and finding buyers, which is revolutionising the estate
agency industry.
This system is shared between every agency in the By Design network, meaning sellers benefit from an ever-expanding database of high net worth potential purchasers across the country.
This is especially important in premium markets, where the mobility of buyers is much higher – an aspect amplified since Covid, with remote working enabling buyers to search over an even wider geographical area.
On top of this in-built collaboration, By Design is built on a foundation of training and excellence.
Taking the time to invest in ourselves so we ensure outstanding service. It is built into the fabric of who we are as a brand and all By Design agents attend our Programme of Excellence training every month!
Lastly, a question to ponder… when was the last time you bought something out of a magazine, a newspaper, or a flyer delivered to your door?
If the answer if 'I can't even remember the last time!' you wouldn't be alone.
According to the office of National Statistics' most recent survey, 87% of households now shop online…and their most recent data is from a pre-Covid 2019!
Yet it seems, as an industry, we insist on trying to turn the clock back and chopping down trees to create magazines, brochures and flyers: when the reality is that house hunters are not waiting for a leaflet to drop through their letterbox to find their perfect home.
By Design invests hundreds of thousands of pounds yearly in winning the digital battle for our sellers, putting their property in front of house hunters in their natural habitat: the internet!
We profile sellers and use our database and social media matching to find potential purchasers who were in the same position as our sellers when they bought the property.
And this is just one element of our comprehensive digital strategy.
So, now there is an answer: an estate agency offering sellers the care, attention and dedication of a local independent, with the national scale, access to buyers and marketing
strength of a big brand name…an estate agency, By Design!

(Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash)