Find out why By Design is the only sensible choice when choosing to downsize your property
If you feel that your home is no longer enjoyable but rather a burden, then perhaps it is time for you to consider downsizing. It isn't a complicated process once you have made the decision to downsize, but there are pitfalls that should be avoided along the way. This article will explore those pitfalls and ensure you know how to avoid them.

Many of us reach a certain point in our lives when we have more space than we really need; an empty nest. Children that have long since grown up and moved out, leaving another guest bedroom in their wake. Having the extra room is great for visitors, but eventually, having all the additional space and expense that comes with running a large home doesn't make sense. And so, we downsize.
Whether you're looking to reduce your monthly costs, perhaps pay off the remaining mortgage so that you can live mortgage free, or have less gardens and property to maintain, downsizing your property, in both size and value, can have a fantastically positive impact on your life. You will have more disposable cash each month, perhaps even enabling you to finally retire. You will have more free time because you won't have to be cleaning and gardening so much. Many downsizers simply look for just enough to allow them to enjoy life with a garden to sit in and maybe one guest bedroom for visitors without spending all weekend weeding flowerbeds.
If you feel that your home is no longer enjoyable but rather a burden, then perhaps it is time for you to consider downsizing. It is not a complicated process once you have made the decision to downsize, but there are pitfalls that should be avoided along the way.
Firstly, the price that you sell your home for is so important. If you're heading into retirement, the equity generated from this sale will not be easily replaced if you're no longer working. Downsizing in value will release this equity into your pocket, allowing you to spend it as you wish - the more substantial the difference between selling and purchasing prices, the more money you will release. So you must get the marketing, presentation and pricing strategy just right.
Your first decision is to select an estate agent to handle the marketing and sale for you. There are many methods of selling a property and many agents for you to choose from, so do your research thoroughly.
Traditional estate agents will talk about exposing your property to the market in as many ways as possible. Of course, exposure to the market is important; website coverage and social media platforms are all key considerations to ensure that your property is seen by the right potential buyers, but this shouldn't be a scatter-gun approach with blanket marketing across every conceivable platform in the hope that someone sees it and likes the look of the property enough to call and arrange a viewing.
At By Design, we don't plaster the property all over the market. We use a considered, targeted approach to pinpoint the most likely potential buyers, ensuring that they see your property and that the vital essential features of those buyers are highlighted. This means that the perfect buyer for your home will definitely have seen the property, not just hope that they find it for themselves.
Innovation and technology go a long way to helping sellers move home, and the technology available at By Design is revolutionary and exclusive to just us. No other agent can filter through buyers in the same way, with detailed information about the types of property they're looking for and the locations they're interested in living. The database is connected across the network, so this technology can be harnessed for buyers nationwide, not just in one specific town. Many buyers are unsure exactly where they want to move to, so this innovation is selling more homes to buyers that would otherwise have no way of finding these properties for sale.
By signing up for our Heads Up alerts system, a buyer can specify that they want to live in a 4-bed detached property with 1 acre and a swimming pool, for example. There is no way to create this exact filter in any other agency software or property website without including a location. By Design buyers can follow the properties that perfectly suit their needs without pinpointing a specific area so that all potential properties that meet their requirements will be sent. Relocation has never been easier, and for our sellers, their market of potential buyers has just been blown wide open.
And it works for our sellers too. They'll be moving out when the sale completes and will need to find a new home. So, if you have specific requirements for your new home, you can set up the alerts to be precisely what you need and, who knows where you might decide to move to? The world is your oyster!
If you're considering a downsize in the next few months and are interested to learn more about how the By Design system is the only way to maximise the sale price of your property and find the perfect new home to buy, get in touch with our team today.
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