Make your move a reality with By Design
Making the decision to move house can be both exciting and daunting which is why, on average, it can take up to a year to put into motion. Once you have made the decision you may start asking when IS the right time to move?
Deciding to move is often straightforward, but turning that decision into reality requires careful planning and consideration. On average, homeowners spend up to a year from the decision to move to listing their property on the market.
For those purchasing a new property without selling their current one, the process can be simpler. However, for most, selling a home while buying another can be daunting. This dual transaction is a significant reason why moving can take so long.
Despite the stress involved in simultaneous buying and selling, your initial reasons for moving remain. Whether you need more space or a new location, your current property won’t change. Deliberation and procrastination only delay the inevitable – the idea of stress is often worse than the reality.
Many delay moving, waiting for the "perfect" time. The truth is, there's never an ideal moment to buy or sell a property; there’s only the right time for you. Unless you’re investing for yield and return, the property you intend to live in is a long-term investment. Market fluctuations are natural, and paying off a mortgage builds equity over time, unlike paying rent.
The best time to move is when it suits your needs and those of your family, whether it’s for a new location, more space, or reduced costs. Timing should be personal, not dictated by the market, season, or current listings.
To determine the best timing, start with your desired move-in date and work backwards. In the UK, the legal process of a sale takes about 16 weeks from offer acceptance to key collection. For example, if you want to move before the end of 2024, aim to have your offer accepted by the end of summer. This means starting your property search and financial planning within the next 3-6 months.
Follow this step-by-step guide on making your move with By Design:
Register with By Design:
Provide your property needs to receive updates on suitable listings as soon as they hit the market.
Get Your Property Valued:
If selling, arrange a valuation of your current home. By Design offers online, remote, or in-person valuations to determine its worth.
Financial Planning:
Consult an independent financial advisor to understand your purchasing budget. You don’t need to apply for loans until you find your desired property, but knowing your budget is crucial.
Start Viewing Homes:
Begin scheduling viewings. This exciting phase helps refine your needs and preferences as you compare properties.
If you’re ready to begin your moving journey, contact By Design today. Our team is here to assist you in every step, from registration to moving into your dream home.
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