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The Pitfalls of Budget Staging: Helping Your Clients Make the Right Choice

As estate agents, you know that first impressions matter more than ever when it comes to selling a property.
As property staging becomes increasingly popular in the UK market, it’s important not only to educate clients about the benefits of staging but also to help them understand the difference in staging solutions related to the price point of their home.

There’s no denying the power of staging. Properties that are well-staged not only sell faster but often fetch higher prices. With the growing awareness around the importance of staging, more sellers are jumping on board. However, a common misstep is choosing the cheapest staging option, assuming that any staging is better than none.

As estate agents, your role includes ensuring that the staging fits the property and appeals to the right buyer. Poor-quality or ill-fitting staging could make it harder to achieve the best price, and in some cases, it can even turn buyers off.

Why Cheap Staging Can Undermine Your Efforts
Recently, I came across a striking example of this issue. A large contemporary property, listed at nearly £2 million, was staged by a company that typically caters to the HMO (House in Multiple Occupation) and serviced accommodation markets. While the seller made the smart choice to stage, they opted for the cheapest quote, and it was evident.

Here’s why this matters:
1. Inappropriate Furniture
Staging companies working in the HMO or rental market typically use smaller, budget-friendly furniture. In a premium home, these pieces often look out of place. They don’t match the scale of the property and instead of elevating the space, they can detract from its luxury feel. Buyers expect a £2 million home to look the part and undersized, cheap-looking furniture can confuse the overall aesthetic and fail to indicate a £2M lifestyle to prospective buyers.

2. Poor Room Proportions
Larger properties need appropriately scaled furniture and a lot of furniture. When budget furniture is used in a spacious home, it can leave rooms looking sparse and unfinished. Even well-designed homes can look awkward or uninviting if the staging doesn’t match the scale of the property. It’s not just about filling space, it’s about doing so in a way that enhances the flow and function of the home.

3. Mismatched Artwork and Accessories
High-end homes require cohesive, well-thought-out decor. Budget staging companies may cut corners by using generic artwork and accessories that clash with the overall design of the property. In a luxury home, buyers expect a certain level of taste and sophistication, staging companies specialising in the premium market understand this and have art and accessories that enhance the interior scheme. If the staging feels disconnected, it disrupts the buyer’s experience and can lower their perception of a home’s value.

4. Photography and First Impressions
Most buyers will first view a property online and high-quality photos are crucial for creating a strong first impression. If the staging looks out of place or cheaply done, it may prevent buyers from even booking a viewing. With many luxury buyers expecting a lifestyle, rather than just a home, how the property looks in photos can either inspire or dissuade potential offers.

How Estate Agents Can Guide Clients in Choosing the Right Staging
As an estate agent, you play a key role in educating your clients not just about the value of staging but about choosing the right type of staging. Here’s how you can help:

Know Your Property’s Niche
If your client is selling a premium home, make sure they understand that they need a staging solution that is targeted at the premium market. Properties at the higher end of the market require furniture, artwork and accessories that reflect the value of the home. Stagers who specialise in HMOs or budget accommodation may do excellent work within their niche, but this won’t translate to the luxury market. Just as you wouldn't use a cricket player in a rugby match, you wouldn’t stage a million-pound home with HMO furniture.

Work with Specialist Staging Companies
As estate agents, you have the opportunity to partner with staging companies that specialise in different market segments. For high-end homes, find a staging provider that offers oversized, luxurious furniture and sophisticated accessories that match the scale and design of the properties you sell. Conversely, for smaller or more budget-conscious homes, refer your clients to a stager who knows how to make compact spaces shine.

Be Transparent with Clients
Many clients might be tempted to choose the cheapest quote without understanding the potential downsides. It’s important to have an honest conversation with your clients about why staging is an investment in the sale. Help them see the bigger picture: proper staging enhances the home’s value, speeds up the sale, and often results in a better return on investment. Cheap staging might save a few pounds upfront, but it could lead to a slower sale or a lower final offer. It won’t have the required impact on the marketing of the home and therefore any cost is potentially a waste of money.

Why Quality Staging Is Worth the Investment
It’s natural for clients to want to save money where they can, but it’s up to you as their estate agent to help them see the bigger picture. High-quality staging, while more expensive, can actually help achieve a quicker sale and a higher sale price. Cheap staging, on the other hand, may result in mismatched aesthetics, empty-looking spaces and less buyer interest overall.

Encourage your clients to think of staging as an investment in their sale. It can make the difference between a property that lingers on the market and one that stands out, attracts attention and commands the asking price, or even higher. For premium properties, it’s crucial that any spend on staging is targeted to the right audience. The luxury buyer expects a home that matches their lifestyle, and the wrong staging can turn them off before they’ve even set foot inside. Too little furniture, or furniture that doesn’t match the property, may well give the impression an owner has already moved on. A savvy buyer will pitch in with a low offer to take advantage.

Get in Touch for Expert Staging Solutions
At Lemon and Lime, we specialise in staging premium, high-end luxury properties and are proud to partner with By Design, ensuring every client receives a bespoke, first-class staging experience tailored to elevate their home’s value and appeal.
Contact our team on 01332 987740 or email
Selling homes is a team effort, and with the right staging partner, you’ll be positioned for success.